Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Week 30: The mood swing and the visit

I had quite a bad mood swing in these few days. On Sunday and Monday I was in such a good mood that I could not scold your dad when he put a dirty book on the bed. Then I turned horrible on Monday night and continued to just now. I guess I am feeling better again now.

Yesterday, I stayed at my parents’ home. Your grandma and I cut some cotton clothes into big squares to make you some beautiful blankets. These blankets will be used by your siblings and cousins too. In the late afternoon, we went to visit the doctor. The long waiting time was cut short with shopping and a visit to granddad’s restaurant for two glasses of strawberry juice for your grandma and I. Your dad came just in time to enjoy some crackers and took some sips from the remaining juice before we went into the doctor’s.

Grandma was pretty excited looking at you on the ultrasound scan screen. You were moving your hands and head, at one time, putting your hand on your mouth. I thought you were sucking your thumb for a while. Everything was declared to be perfectly fine, and God, I really hope that everything will be just fine for my baby.

We went home that night, expecting to meet the strange guy again, but we did not see him.

Tonight, your dad went to the dentist and I was left in the house alone for the whole day. I did not have the mood to do the house chores, so I just played with the laptop, learning to do some multimedia stuff. I know I will not be able to have this lazy luxury when you come out from my womb… so, I’ll just enjoy my own free time as much as possible now.

I’m waiting for daddy to come home now, Wowy dear. I am really glad that you are here with me now.

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