Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pregnant maids

My mom’s maid is three to four months pregnant at the moment. I got my new maid on Thursday night last week, suspected her to be pregnant on Friday, got the confirmation that she was positively about two to three months pregnant on Saturday, and returned her on Sunday. We have no heart of asking her to do things that I am unable to do due to my pregnancy because she is pregnant herself, thus there are no reasons to keep employing her. When she admitted that she was pregnant, she also said that the new maid my mom-in-law just employed was also two months pregnant.

So we have three households and three pregnant maids at the moment.

We are now waiting for the replacement, have specifically asked for the unmarried one to reduce the possibility of having a pregnant one again.

On the other side, this unusual experience gave me another thought. About how lucky I am to have the chance of getting someone to help me with my house chores while I am pregnant while there are pregnant women that have to keep on working to continue living. I can afford to have daily intake of vitamins and milk, time to read about pregnancy and baby care, good quality healthy food for my consumption, and naps during the day. I am blessed and really thankful for that.

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