Sunday, November 26, 2006

turning five months

Jove just turned five months old today.

Physical development wise, he has better control of his movements. Rolling to his tummy and back is quite an easy feat now. He can grab things (and starting to grab anything he can reach) with both hands and able to do high-fives if we say 'chos'. His kicks are painful now, and he loves to kick anything that touches his feet. Oh, and he is able to sit straight with support.

Now he can show his will and can wail if we don't give in to what he wants. He smiles a lot around familiar people, but pretty moody around unfamiliar faces. He starts to laugh more, especially when playing with his daddy, grandma, and aunties. Sometimes he can babble for minutes if he is in the mood or if he sees something interesting.

He drools a lot lately. I mean really a lot. He wets the bed, the toys, my shirts, his own shirts, the bolsters, the pillows, his hands, his pants, and the floor! I suspect that he starts teething because he also chews everything now. He received the plastic teether that I gave him with glee.

Socially, he connects better with adults than with babies his own size. I don't know why...

We observed that he is a very patient little guy. He has attention span to last him reading more than one picture book before getting bored. I'm getting pretty amazed at the speed of his development lately. God is really awesome to create babies.

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