Thursday, April 8, 2010

planting green beans

we just planted green beans (or more correctly, mung beans) yesterday. they have been sprouting significantly today. :)this started because jove was fascinated with boowa and kwala planting green beans. check it out here. the instructions to plant green beans from boowa and kwala can be found here.

then this morning, i found this interesing site: ecoliteracy, which has this activity of making mini greenhouse from a recycled cd case.

exciting project for mother and son. :)


Eka said...

coool! jadi bubur kacang ijo? ato es kacang ijo setelah dipanen? :p

ve said...

akhirnya cuma satu pohon yang dibiarin hidup kok cik... trus jadi besar, kayak pohon cabe gitu... keluar buahnya mirip buncis, dalemnya kacang hijau butiran gitu... ada sekitar 6-8 biji gitu... ini sudah beberapa kali muncul dan dipetik. buat diamati dan mainan thok. hahaha... kurang banyak buat dimasak. :D