Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the baby in the womb

Jovan surprised me this morning. He showed me this picture:

I asked him what it was. He answered that it was his little baby sister in mama's tummy. The long lines flowing from mama's head was the long hair. Then the little figure at the right side was Jovan.

Naturally, I told my mom about that and the curious grandmother asked him to draw the little baby inside mama's tummy. And draw he did! :)

Oooh, and yes, we're having a baby girl this time. The ob-gyn finally confirmed it when we checked last monday. Daddy was estatic. Jovan is getting a sister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here we go! He's really talented! Look at his cool expression! Drive me smile! *big one* I can imagine what he will be in d future! PROFCHITECHT IN ART DESIGN AND INVENTIONS!