Monday, January 15, 2007

the scary beginning

Two weeks ago, I watched An Inconvenient Truth. Shortly after, as if helping the movie to dug its message deeper into my head, the rain stopped falling and the sun started to bake the world. The last time I checked, it was 32 degree Celsius. My father-in-law told me the report in the news said that the temperature has hit 35 degree.

Last night, there was a blackout in the area. The darkness was nothing compared to the heat we had to endure with no air conditioner. It took us more than an hour of fanning, back-patting, and periodically breastfeeding the baby to get him to sleep. He was sweating and could not fall asleep. Thankfully, the electricity turned on at eleven p.m. and the baby fell into deep slumber with the cool air blowing from the air conditioner.

It was pretty scary to observe the weather these days. What have we done to our world?

On the first day of the new year, an airplane went missing with its 96 passengers and six crews. Two days before, a motor vessel with 504 passengers and 63 crews. Search and rescue of those two tragedies are still going on until now. Bad weather was the reason for both tragedies.

Nature has gone mad. We are at fault for exploiting it without mercy.

I hope we can still do something to save the world. I could not imagine what kind of world will my little Jove and his children (and grandchildren) live in.

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